Sensa’s service standards

Sensa´s goal is to solve each request as quickly and effectively as possible, in the context of the prioritization specified in the following table. Efforts should be made to involve the requester in the process and provide regular updates on the status of the request. Confirmation should be sent immediately upon receiving requests via email.
Critical (Blocker). The system is down and cannot be restarted. Key system activity is impacted.
High. Some specific services are inactive, but the system is operational.
Average. Services are not functioning as expected. Some employees might experience inconvenience.
Low. Employees may experience minor inconvenience. Non-urgent changes.
Priority Classification | Response Time |
1. Critical | 1 Hour* |
2. High | 4 Hours** |
3. Average | 16 Hours** |
4. Low | NA |
*The response time for critical request is independent of regular service desk hours.
**Response time is based on working hours during the opening hours of the service desk.
By „response time“, means that work on the request must begin within that period, i.e. the request has been assigned to the designated technical assistant and work has begun.
Service Standards – Maintenance Hours
Sensa´s ambition is to manage maintenance work with minimum impact on customer operations. Maintenance work and other changes follow the change management procedures and are a part of Sensa’s information security management policy.
There is a minimum 48-hour notice requirement for changes or upgrades on Sensa systems. In case of emergency, changes may be announced with a shorter notice.
Scheduled times for changes/upgrades to Sensa systems that may cause service disruptions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 22:00 and 05:00.
Automated regular updates from vendors such as Microsoft are exempt from these scheduled change windows.
Customers with specific requests outside of these hours are required to have standalone equipment and approve changes to their systems/equipment, as well as allocate time for regular updates to their equipment. This needs to be explicitly addressed in the service agreement between the parties.