Það snýst allt um gögn!

Við viljum bjóða þig velkomin á Sensa daginn. Þema dagsins eru gögn og hvernig þau geta skapað ný tækifæri, hvernig við getum varið þau, meðhöndlað og aukið samkeppnishæfni. Á ráðstefnunni munum við fá til okkar þekkta erlenda fyrirlesara sem munu deila með okkur innsýn í þróun og nýtingu gagna, öryggi og samvinnu. Okkar helstu birgjar verða með bása á staðnum þar sem hægt er að kynna sér nýjustu lausnirnar á markaðnum.

Húsið opnar klukkan 12:00 og hefst ráðstefnan 12:30.

Sensa dagurinn

* Ljósmyndir eru teknar á viðburðum félagsins og geta gestir geta því átt von á að teknar séu myndir af þeim og birtar í tengslum við viðburði Sensa.



Sameiginleg lína​

12:45 - 13:15

Keynote: Welcome to the Fourth Wave - the era of Data and Intelligence.

Matt Watts serves as the Chief Technology Evangelist at NetApp, where he provides guidance on the company’s overall strategy and technology solutions to a wide range of customers and the global partner community. He is also part of the portfolio leadership team, offering advice on technology and transformation.

Before transitioning into IT, Matt began his career as an aerospace engineer at British Aerospace, contributing to projects like the Airbus A320 and A340. His passion for technology led him to roles in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and eventually into the IT sector in the early 1990s.

In his current role, Matt emphasizes the importance of demonstrating the value of technology, focusing on how it can improve business operations and drive change. He is a sought-after keynote speaker, known for combining his industry knowledge with engaging anecdotes to make complex technological concepts accessible.

Matt is also the host of the “Watts the Future” series, where he explores emerging technologies and their potential impact. 


NetApp Chief Technology Evangelist


12:30 - 13:15

Sameiginleg lína

Sameiginleg lína

12:30 - 12:45

Valgerður Hrund Skúladóttur

Founder and Chief Executive

Sameiginleg lína​

12:45 - 13:15

Matt Watts

NetApp Chief Technology Evangelist

Welcome to the Fourth Wave – the era of Data and Intelligence.

Over the last couple of decades there have been three waves that have driven substantial change to the people and the technologies involved in the IT ecosystem, these waves continue to evolve and as they do we have to evolve with them to continue to build the architectures needed to benefit the most from them.

But a new wave is upon us, and it’s being driven by AI.

How do we prepare ourselves for this Fourth Wave, whilst dealing with unprecedented disruption from the scourge of cyber attacks and having to deal with a significant IT skills shortage?

And what about the Fifth Wave? Maybe we’ll take a glimpse into that as well

13:15 - 13:45



13:45 - 14:05

Rof á sæstrengjum

Borið hefur á mun fleiri tilfellum af sæstrengjarofum síðustu mánuði í heiminum og líkurnar á sæstrengjarofi við Ísland eru líklegri en áður.  Líkurnar á að allir strengirnir fari á sama tíma eru ekki miklar en afleiðingarnar geta verið mjög viðamiklar.  Í þessum fyrirlestri verður farið aðeins ofaní tæknilegar áskoranir sem gætu komið upp við þessar aðstæður og mögulegar lausnir á þeim.

Haukur Þórðarson

Network Solutions Manager

13:45 - 17:15



13:45 - 14:05

Haukur Þórðarson

Network Solutions Manager

Borið hefur á mun fleiri tilfellum af sæstrengjarofum síðustu mánuði í heiminum og líkurnar á sæstrengjarofi við Ísland eru líklegri en áður.  Líkurnar á að allir strengirnir fari á sama tíma eru ekki miklar en afleiðingarnar geta verið mjög viðamiklar.  Í þessum fyrirlestri verður farið aðeins ofaní tæknilegar áskoranir sem gætu komið upp við þessar aðstæður og mögulegar lausnir á þeim.


14:10 - 14:30

Jonas Hagman

System Engineer

Discover how FortiPAM empowers you to enforce strict access controls and monitor contractor sessions—even on unmanaged endpoints—to keep your network secure and you under compliance.


14:35 - 14:55

Niclas Fredberg

Manager Solutions Engineering

The never-ending growth of data require continuous innovation to comply with new security regulations, increased performance demand, sustainability and flexibility requirements. Learn how Netapp surpass the storage essentials of tomorrow.



15:00 - 15:20

Hörður Jóhannsson

Senior Wireless Network Engineer

Þróun á þráðlausum netum hefur verið hröð undanfarin ár og er orðinn krítískur partur af innviðum fyrirtækja.

En hvað getum við gert meira en bara að bjóða uppá þráðlaust net ?

Farið verður yfir helstu praktísku atriðin varðandi þráðlaus net og hvernig hægt er að snjallvæða vinnustaðinn með nýjunum í þráðlausum sendum.

15:20 - 15:40



15:40 - 16:00

Håkan Nohre

Technical Solutions Architect Cyber Security

AI can help us fill the Cyber Security skills gap by improving our defences. But AI also introduces new cyber security risks and new tools for the attacker. In this session we look at the very rapidly changing landscape of cyber security after the arrival of AI.


16:05 - 16:25

Michael Hemmingsen

Sales Engineer

Know where sensitive data resides in Your environment, and who has access to it: Critical precautions before the inevitable cyber attack strikes.


16:30 - 16:50

Okan Kalak

Systems Engineer

During this presentation we will demonstrate Prisma® Access Browser, the only enterprise browser in the industry that is fully integrated with SASE. We will guide you through how to gain full visibility and control over all user activities on all SaaS web applications – both on the internet and internal. Discover how to ensure the best performance for all users with automated management of the digital experience – all from a familiar and user-friendly platform. We will also present the various features of Prisma Access Browser. These include access for external partners, securely enable BYOD, secure use of generative AI applications, possibilities to reduce use of virtual desktops (VDI) and how the handle Saas apps that don’t like decryption.



Bergsteinn Karlsson

Founder | Security Engineer

17: 15

Létt snarl og drykkir


16:55 - 17:15

The human aspects of great value creating collaboration

Torben Nielsen has had a diverse career spanning various industries and roles. He began his professional journey in the airport and logistics sectors, accumulating over 20 years of experience in leadership and executive positions. In the past decade, his focus shifted towards consulting, specializing in enterprise culture, team dynamics, and leadership development. As a founding partner and director at Conscious Consulting, he has been instrumental in facilitating cultural transformations and enhancing collective consciousness within organizations.

In April 2024, Torben expanded his professional repertoire by assuming the role of President and CEO at Boule Diagnostics AB, a global diagnostics company. Prior to this, he served as Executive Vice President in the Analytical Solutions and Customer Enablement business area at PerkinElmer. His extensive experience in the hematology market includes significant roles at Radiometer from 2005 to 2019, such as General Manager for Radiometer America and Sales Manager for Western Europe. Additionally, he has held positions in the medical technology industry, including Sales Manager for EMEA at Ormco and Spark within the Envista group.

Torben’s multifaceted career reflects his adaptability and commitment to driving growth and transformation across various sectors.

Torben Nielsen​

Partner Conscious Consulting​

13:45 - 17:15



13:45 - 14:05

Guðmundur Stefán Björnsson

Director of Internal IT and Information Security

Netárásir á fyrirtæki eru því miður orðnar daglegt brauð og vöxtur slíkra árasa fer upp um tugi prósenta árlega. Fyrirtæki geta ekki lokað augunum fyrir þessari ógn sem gengur einkum út þá það að komast yfir notendanöfn og lykilorð starfsmanna. Tjónið sem slíkar árasir geta valdið eru yfirleitt umfangsmeiri en fyrirtæki gera sér grein fyrir. Því er mikilvægt að fyrirtæki huga að góðri meðvitund starfsfólks og grípi strax til einfaldra aðgerða til að auka öryggið til muna.


14:10 - 14:30

Hylke van der Velde

Channel Director Northern Europe

Data has been growing exponentially. And the quality of this data has never been lower that today. Most organizations only actively use 13% of their data. If AI is in you future or not, something needs to happen about this data. Even tough AvePoint makes products to secure M365 data, we are facing the same issue. In this presentation Hylke openly shares what AvePoint has done to Prepare, Secure and Optimize their data to get ready for AI


14:35 - 14:55

Andri Örvar Baldvinsson

Director of Digital Solutions


15:00 - 15:20

Åsne Holtklimpen

Cloud Solutions Architect

Copilot and information security
Time flies when you are having fun with Copilot – Have we finally secured our data or just lost track of time? 

It appears that while some organizations have strengthened their data management processes, others have discovered „old debt“ in the form of existing security holes or deficiencies in access control.

This has led to an important learning curve for many, emphasizing the need for continuous assessment and improvement of information security practices.

So how can we ensure we are securing ourselves?

15:20 - 15:40



15:40 - 16:00

Brynhildur Ýr Ottósdóttir

Quality and safety manager


16:05 - 16:25

Clare Loveridge

Vice President & General Manager EMEA


16:30 - 16:50

Davíð Stefán Gudmundsson

Chief Commerical Officer

Davíð mun fara yfir algenga flöskuhálsa í miðlun gagna, mögulegar afleiðingar en gefa okkur von um að það séu bjartari tímar framundan.


16:55 - 17:15

Torben Nielsen

Partner Conscious Consulting

The human fundamentals of a high performing partnership, what are the building blocks and what are the common mistakes.


17: 15

Létt snarl og drykkir

Skráðu þig!

Sensa dagurinn

* Ljósmyndir eru teknar á viðburðum félagsins og geta gestir geta því átt von á að teknar séu myndir af þeim og birtar í tengslum við viðburði Sensa.


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